Unlike the Australian system where you can report on, and pay for, several taxes on one tax return, New Zealand treats every tax as it’s own little beast with little interaction between them.
A different tax return due at a different time with a different payment date for each type of tax. And that causes a lot of confusion for Australians doing business over there.
Confused? Been caught out? Well, we have now launched a free app for that!
We know many Australians who have New Zealand business interests really struggle to come to terms with the many different taxes and tax payment dates that they have to meet. So we have designed and built an app which our beta-testers have passed with a big tick.
We have pre-loaded the most common tax types that Australians with New Zealand-based businesses have obligations to meet.
You can simply choose the tax types that apply to you and we’ll send a reminder to complete the return and another the day before payment is due.
Make sure you consider your New Zealand balance date – 31 March for most. You may have requested us to apply for a 30 June year end date so that would be your year end over there. The approved year end balance date also impacts on when tax reports and payments are due!
By downloading our app you can also go to our tax diary and with one tap, carry across the various tax dates straight into your calendar.
If there are major changes to New Zealand tax or business laws that we feel will impact on Australian-based owners, we’ll send you a special alert about that as well.
The nztax.com.au app is now available from the Apple App Store as well as from Google Play.
The information in this article is indicative of NZ tax rules and changes and not intended to be complete for all intents or purposes and does not constitute advice. It is recommended that you obtain professional advice, suited to your particular circumstances, from us before acting on anything you read.